• 20 Apr 2022
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Article summary


The Safety Pool Database uses the Scenario Definition Language - SDL - developed by WMG as the preferred language for defining scenarios within the database.

SDL has been developed with the primary objective of being human-readable so that it can be understood by all users involved in developing ADS. It is also machine-readable which enables scenario definitions to be fed into testing toolchains, and other ADS development tools, and is simulator independent meaning that it can be readily translated into simulator specific code for executing scenarios in a simulator, current toolchains existing for the CARLA simulator. Toolchains also exist for translating SDL to ASAM OpenScenario and OpenDrive.

SDL User Guide (coming soon)

The user guide is a useful initial resource for anyone wanting to write scenarios in the SDL language.

SDL Specification

The SDL specification is a more in-depth resource on the SDL language with more complex examples.

Download Specification

SDL Grammar Definition (preview)

The grammar definition provides a low-level definition of the SDL syntax which is essential if you need to create an SDL parser for use-cases such as converting SDL to another language, or translating SDL into simulator code.

Download Grammar

SDL Translation to ASAM OpenX Formats (OpenSCENARIO, OpenDRIVE)

The ASAM OpenX formats for scenarios are supported by several simulation platforms and it is possible to translate SDL to ASAM OpenSCENARIO and OpenDRIVE formats. The following files demonstrate such a translation through an example translation of the ALKS Lateral Detection Range scenario specified in SDL to ASAM OpenSCENARIO and OpenDRIVE formats.

ALKS Lateral Detection Range scenario (SDL)

ALKS Lateral Detection Range scenario (OpenSCENARIO)

ALKS Lateral Detection Range scenario (OpenDRIVE)

SDL Research Paper

The research paper for SDL can be found here 

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